You see someone struggling, and you want to help. But what if it’s the wrong kind of help?
It’s easy to assume we know the best way to support someone – but sometimes, our perspective is different from theirs.
Watch the video or read the transcript below to find out more!
💭 Introduction: Have you ever thought you knew exactly what someone else needed – only to realise later that you were completely wide of the mark?
💭 Main Tip: Sometimes, we assume that we know what would help someone, but our perspective is different from theirs. Instead of guessing, you can try asking, “What would be most helpful for you right now?”
💭 Example: Imagine a colleague seems stressed, so you offer suggestions on how to manage their workload. But what they actually long for is for someone to listen. Instead of immediately trying to fix the problem, you could say, “I can see you’re under pressure. Would it be more helpful to talk through what’s been going on, or can I help you to explore possible solutions?”
💭 Over to You: This week, practise checking in before assuming you know how to help. See what happens when you ask someone, “What is it that you actually need?”
💭 Closing: People’s needs aren’t always what we assume. Let me know what you notice when you ask instead of guessing!